277野人牌钢砂研磨膏, 包装:印罐包装,每罐包装分为COARSE粗目和FINE细目两种。
原产地:巴西 Grease-mixed silicon carbide valve grinding compound Silicon carbide valve gringding compound by “ CARBORUNDUM”, while particularly adapted for autombile engine valves,can be used with most satisfactory results on steam,gas or watertinght joints and for any pur*e where perfect bearing surfaces are required on brass, bronze, *t-iron or steel. 巴西CARBORUNDUM钢砂膏采用进口炭硅化合物、金刚砂以及多种防锈排水力强的原材料等复合而成,适用于模具钢材,铜材,铸铁及各种硬金属打磨、抛光或多种*及柴油发动机气门维修使用。
Directions: Apply a small quantity of compound to the bearing or valve surface, using thg coarse type when the valves are badly pitted and finish with fine. 用法用量: 取少量该产品覆于需要打磨的工件表面,如产品表面较为粗糙,则先用粗目进行打磨加工,再换细目研磨,以得*效果 标签: 常州市277钢砂研磨膏 常州市277钢砂研磨膏厂家
江苏 常州市常州市277钢砂研磨膏厂家